The core finding from recent research on innovation (Dyer and Gregerson, 2008) is that the most successful innovators are good at associational thinking — making connections between seemingly unconnected inputs. This is where Lisa and her team shine, bringing together ideas from expertise in diverse categories to push us into new territories with breakthrough ideas.
VP Marketing, Panasonic Consumer Electronics
Innovation distinguishes between leaders and followers – Luminations makes sure its clients are always in the lead.
VP Global Marketing Development, Johnson & Johnson
Our capital raise succeeded in part because of the inspiration, organization and documentation of the Luminations team – we ultimately invited them to join us to serve as our marketing leadership during our road show.
Creator and Founder, Baby Development Company
When Lisa and her team are on FleXforce® duty, I can sleep easier at night; they don’t miss a deadline and I never miss an opportunity.
President and Founder, Dunstan Baby
The strategy process and marketing planning was new to our team. As we moved from back-of-the envelope entrepreneurs to a more formal process, we needed help. Luminations created customized, simple templates for us and mentored our leaders through the process. The outcome was not just great learning but finished plans.
VP of Global Marketing, Household Products Company
It’s amazing how quickly and thoroughly Luminations provided deep-dive background research and several well-documented size-of-the-prize scenarios. It helped us make critical decisions fast.
Founder and Lead Scientist, Women’s Health Company
Nobody could’ve anticipated the impact of Covid-19. We were lucky to have Luminations FleXforce® team members already working with us – they pivoted quickly and jumped in to help us learn to be efficient and effective with remote work. They easily filled in the gaps when some of our own employees needed time to home school their children or take care of themselves.
Innovation Lead, global healthcare company