
Purchase your FlashCardz™ decks to ensure your brainstorm or meeting generates many diverse ideas. Designed to ensure everyone thinks and works outside of the box. Just flip to inspire a new vantage point, target audience focus, or approach. Each deck $19.99, free for our first 30 purchases.

Email Info@LuminationsGroup.com with the following info requesting your deck(s). Simply specify:

1) your name

2) your email

3) ship to address, and

4) quantity of decks needed.

Printing and shipping takes approximately 2 business weeks.

Please let us know how the ideation session went and whether you have suggestions for new lenses or topics on our future decks of cards. If you take a photo of your teams using the cards, we’ll post that here with your info too. Thanks and happy big thinking!


The core finding from recent research on innovation is that the most successful innovators are good at associational thinking -- making connections between seemingly unconnected inputs. This is where Lisa and her team shine, bringing together ideas from expertise in diverse categories to push us into new territories with breakthrough ideas.

VP Marketing, Panasonic Consumer Electronics

Copyright © The Luminations Group

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